ONLINE participant registration form
The seed conference "Learning ecosystems". 1-3 of June
Please, answer these questions (even if you are not completely sure in your participation):
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Your full name *
Where are you from? What is your timezone (during the conference)? *
What languages do you speak? *
What kind of organization, project or initiative group do you represent? *
What is the main idea of your project? *
What is your role in the project? *
What does your project create in the world? * *
What expertise and experience are you ready to share? *
What kind of partnership are you open for? *
What kind of support does your project need to make it stronger? *
How is your activity related to education?
Why do you want to participate in the event?
Do you want to:
(participation in the program)
Your e-mail: *
Phone number, social networks or other contacts: *
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