Parent Override Form 2024-2025
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Email *
Student Last Name *
Student First Name *
Student Number *
Grade *
The above named student has requested to be scheduled for a course LISTED BELOW next year.  Based on the information available, his/her teacher does not feel that the student will be successful in this course, and/or does not meet the prerequisite for the class.  Failing grades in any subject will result in loss of credit for graduation.  If you desire this student to be enrolled in this course, regardless of this recommendation, please complete the following section:
Name of Class Wanted *
Parent/Guardian Signature *
By typing (Signing) your name, you are verifying that you are the parent/guardian of the student named above, and consent to class override against the recommendation of the teacher/school.  Also that if a student decides the course is too difficult after the normal 10 day Add/Drop period, they are subject to abide by the class change procedures as detailed in the BPHS Course Selection Guide.
Date *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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