BuzzFest: Tampa
BuzzFest 2024 is taking place in Tampa, FL this year July 25 - 29th. Friends, partners, and players are welcome to join for as much or as little of the week as they want. If you're interested, please fill out this form. 

Honeyland will cover most of the costs (group events, group activities, group food) but cannot provide lodging unless otherwise specified. Anything else we'll let you know ahead of time. 

We'll add you to a Tampa Discord channel where you'll get all the latest news/updates on the event. 
What's your Name/Handle? *
What's your Discord username *
How likely are you to come?  *
We're arriving July 25th, leaving July 29th. How much or little will you be joining us for?
T-Shirt Size (Mens) *
Attendees will get an in-game Tampa badge. What's your game wallet address?  *
Anything else we should know? 
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