PRE-TEST -WEBINAR: Promotores and Community Health Workers in Telehealth Community Navigation
Registration form and pre - test.
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First Name *
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Email Address *
City in which you reside in *
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Please reenter email address. *
Occupation *
Organization *
If you are seeking CEUs, please indicate which type of certificate you would like to receive.                                       *
PRE-TEST These questions are required for those seeking CEUs. *
1. Name 3 essential entities that form the Public Health System. *
2. What is the difference between telehealth and telemedicine? *
3. What are 2 benefits of telehealth? *
4. What are 2 challenges of telehealth? *
5. What are examples of personal health information? *
6.What are examples of telehealth applications that is easier for Community Health Workers to utilize in their work? *
7. Name 2 barriers in “addressing disparities” during COVID 19. *
8. Name 2 core competencies crucial for addressing disparities during COVID 19. *
If there is a specific question you have regarding telehealth that you would like to see addressed in the webinar, please write it here. *
If you have any questions email us at
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