Paws from Paradise Traveler Info
Thank you for volunteering to transport one of St. Croix's homeless pets to a partner rescue organization! With your help, the St. Croix Animal Welfare Center is saving more lives than ever before! Please try to fill out as much of the information below as possible.  Upon submission of this form, you will hear from a member of our team. Thank you!
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Full Name (as it appears on ticket) *
How many travelers (including yourself) in your party are willing to transport animals?
Phone Number
Email Address *
Preferred Contact Method
Physical Address
Mailing Address (only if different than above)
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St. Croix Departure Date
St. Croix Departure Time
Arrival City Airport Code
Arrival Time
Record Locator Number (Optional)
I am willing to transport the following (some restrictions may apply due to airline)
Additional Information
We look forward to being in touch with you. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Paws from Paradise program coordinator at or by calling Pet Place, our adoption center, at (340)725-7387.
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