Self by Choice

You & Your Body. The neuroscience of body image, self-worth and identity.

Body image understood as an embodied highly biased perception and focusing on transformation.

Self by Choice is a research led project with the aim to offer a platform to reach out, share and strengthen an ever-growing voice through the lens of art and creativity.

The aim is for the audience to see for themselves the impact of the choices of thoughts and emotions they make; how these trigger internal neurochemistry, physiology and belief formation; and ultimately, to look at the brain’s inherent “tools” to implement change.

Questionnaire supervised by:

Dr. Roland Zahn, Reader in the Neurocognitive Bases of Mood Disorders, Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, King's College London 

Dr Hubertus Himmerich, Clinical Senior Lecturer for Eating Disorders, King’s College London

Liam Hallett, Westminster Lead OA Psychologist, Clinical Lead, KCW Behaviours That Challenge Project, Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust

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How would you describe yourself?
How do you think others would describe you?
How do you feel about your body?
Do you have any issues with your appearance?
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Any of these feelings relate to how you may feel about your body or parts of your body?
Between 1 to 5, how confident do you feel under your skin?
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Do you have any body image issues that have affected you ...?
Do you feel confident/able to talk about any body image issues?
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Any of these sources affect how you feel about yourself?
In which ways do you check your physicality? 
How often?
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How much do you focus on your appearance / your appearance has impacted your life?
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How often do you compare your appearance to others?
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How often do you comment on someone else’s appearance?
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One word to describe your body
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