COVID-19 scientist volunteer opportunity with - Basic Virology
Hello Fellow Scientists

NSVD has partnered with and wants to bring to your attention an opportunity in the Virology domain to directly help in the fight against COVID-19. is an open-source, community-based research consortium that uses AI, clinical analytics, and integrated biomedical data for reverse engineering and solving COVID-19. It enables collaboration in a virtual lab between biologists, data scientists, and health professionals. is looking for chemists and research scientists to join the open-source COVID-19 virology team. This team has a specific focus on evaluating areas such as SARS-CoV-2 genetic variant analysis, viral protein structures, and disease pathways, and biomarker and druggable target identification.

More details:
While experience in data science would be helpful, it is not required. Experts in structural biology, virology, genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics can all add value to the research team.

Any questions about this opportunity should be sent to Dr. Nupur Verma at

Thank you!
COVID-19 National Scientist Volunteer Database coordination team

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