2025 Performer Application
For DJs, this application supplements the volunteer form you filled out at reg.getoutthefloat.com. If you have not filled out a volunteer application at the main website, be sure to do so. At Get Out The Float, we ask each DJ to be prepared to do two, 1-hr sets. One will be less-energetic during a daytime bounce session as well as a 1hr-dance session in the same room with the inflatables and bouncy castles.

There are other events where help from a DJ might be requested, such as for Fursuit Games or Pooltoy Games, etc. A 2025 GOTF DJ chat will be created to maximize ease of coordination.

We expect you to make it to your sound check; they will be scheduled ahead of the start of the dances / start of bouncy castle time and we estimate 15 minutes per DJ. The AV crew is not required to allow you to play during your set time if you miss your sound check.
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Email *
What is your Stage Name?
What is your Telegram handle?
What genres do you plan on playing at the convention?
How much experience do you have DJing?
What DJ gear are you comfortable using?  Check all that apply.
What other conventions/events have you played in the last 12 months?
When are you available to play? Check all that apply.
Hours listed are the total duration of the scheduled events - not the 1hr individual sets. Times are subject to change if convention schedule changes.
Provide a link here to a mix showcasing your style of DJing (must be at least 30 minutes - Youtube, Mixcloud, Soundcloud, Google Drive, etc.)
Next Steps with GOTF
Applying as a DJ is a two-step process. After you are approved as a DJ, Registration will compensate you for your attending or sponsor registration (see our Volunteer Page). In order for them to do that, you will need to register for the convention then notify the DJ Wrangler that you are ready for your comps.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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