Senior Survey
Senior Survey
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Email *
Last Name *
First Name *
CWCTC Student ID#    (If you don't know, ask your teacher or see your CWCTC counselor) *
Student Cell or Best Contact Phone Number *
Personal Email Address (NOT a school email address)  *
What is your Adult T-Shirt Size? *
High School I attend. *
CTC Program *
Teacher's Last Name *
Are you currently working?
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What is the name of your employer?
Is your job related to your CWCTC program?
Clear selection
Are you or will you be enlisted in the Armed Forces? *
Have you Applied or currently Enrolled in a post-secondary school *
What type of school do you plan to attend? *
What is the name of your school/training program?
If you are not employed or going to school, why not?
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