Sustainable Communities Partnership Faculty Interest Form
The information you provide on this form will help Sustainable Communities Partnership identify potential community-engaged projects that might align with your teaching and/or research interests.

If you are interested, this information will also be used to develop Faculty Profiles on the Sustainable Communities Partnership website. We look forward to finding new and better ways to support your courses.  We appreciate your participation.

None of this information will be shared publicly without prior consent.
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Email *
First and last name: *
What are the titles of the courses you teach? *
Which of the following content areas do your courses include, if any? Please select all that apply. *
What would motivate you to adjust any of the courses you teach to integrate a community defined project? If you have already done this, what motivated you to do so? Some examples might include: logistics support, stipend, having a list of community projects, etc. *
What are your research interests that might be relevant to local community needs? Please describe in a couple of sentences. *
If a project is identified that does not fit nicely in any Western course, would you be willing to advise a student intern to complete the project, assuming it is within a research area of interest for you? *
What is your preferred method of communication for discussing project opportunities? *
Do you have any clarifying questions? Lindsey will follow-up to get these questions answered.
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