THL Registration Form
This form is for players, both on teams and who are free agents, to register for THL. If you're looking to play in any THL series this season, fill out this form! (Captains: this means you too!)

Note: The Board may use these responses to form teams in the off-season.

For more help or information, visit these links:
THL Discord Server 
THL Website
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Email *
Enter your THL name:
This is how you will be known in the THL community. It will also be how your name is displayed on our site.
Enter your battle tag:
Enter your Discord username (ex: twostarmako)
UTC offset *
Go to this site: to look up the current UTC time and type in the difference in your current time zone - for example, -5 if you are 5 hours earlier or +1 if you are 1 hour later
Are you new to THL? *
What series are you interested in playing in? *
Select up to 5 choices. If you are interested in all 5 series and subbing, select all series and describe that you are interested in subbing in the description section at the bottom of this form. If you have already registered for a series, you don't have to select it unless you are updating any information. 
Are you already signed to a team or captaining in any series?
Select any series where you already have a team. If you aren't making a free agent post with this form or you aren't on any team yet, you can skip this.
What is your PR?
To find out your PR, use this calculator:
Note: if you last played in a PR Series more than 2 years ago, message a board member on Discord first.

If you have played a PR series before or are not interested in playing in Legacy or Hero, skip this.
If there is anything that you would want potential captains to know about you, please write that here. (Example: how long you have been playing, if you are new to THL or competitive, ladder ranks, etc.)
If you are signing up for all 5 series and are open to subbing too, state that here.
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