11/6/18 Design Thinking Learning Community Conversation: Writing as a Design Process
There are some interesting parallels between human-centered design and writing. Just as designers use empathy to understand who they’re designing for, writers try to understand and connect with their audience. And just as writing involves brainstorming and revision, designing involves ideation and prototyping. Join us on November 6th for a conversation on writing as a design process with:

Haerin Shin, assistant professor of English
Matthew Worsnick, assistant professor of the practice of history of art

They’ll share the parallels they see between writing and design, and discuss the implications for teaching in both areas.
RSVP for a lunch!

Date: Tuesday, November 6th, 2018
Time: 11:30am to 1:00pm (Lunch provided)
Location: Center for Teaching Classroom, 1114 19th Ave South, 3rd Floor
Open to all Vanderbilt Faculty, and Staff
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