Nox Aeterna  |  Shop                                   
The online shop for all your favorite Nox Aeterna merchandise!
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Select the items you want to order:
How many CD's and / or what size t-shirt would you like?
Your first and last name:
Your e-mail:
The delivery address:

Enter your address, city, state, zip code and country
Shipping costs:

Within The Netherlands:
0 - 2 kg € 4,95
2 - 10 kg € 7,65

Shipping costs to a country outside The Netherlands depend on the size, format and weight of your package. We will inform you about these costs after you have placed your order. You can then decide whether you agree with these costs. After payment we will send your package as soon as possible.
This is how we handel your order:

After you have placed your order we will personally contact you by e-mail. Check your spam folder. We will inform you about the shipping costs. After you agree, we will send you the Paypal information or the bank account number to which you can transfer money. After payment we will send your package as soon as possible.

We hope you enjoy your purchase! 
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