Shine Registration Form
*ALL children (new and returning) must (re)register for each semester.

*Shine starts on Wednesday,  January 24th, 4:00-6:00pm !!!


"Shine" is a Children's After School Program for the "advancement of the arts and the Gospel.”

This is a free program for grades K-8th that provides an extracurricular opportunity focused on further developing your child’s talents in music and drama but also includes recreation, a snack, and a Bible lesson.

We meet every Wednesday during the school year from 3:30-6pm (4-6pm for grades K-2) with dinner provided for children and their families at 6pm.

Musical and dramatic performances are included as a part of Cup Church's Sunday services once a month. The children will perform in two evening musicals and two matinees; one at Christmas and one in the Spring. A schedule with dates will be handed out the first Wednesday. 

We ask all parents to attend an informational meeting at pick up on the 1/24 at 5:45. You will be given to sign a commitment form, a code of conduct form and a schedule for the semester.

Click 'NEXT' to register your child.
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