The Passion Center Membership Form
Although we are a non-traditional phygital faith community, we want to know who sees themselves as part of this tribe. Since we will always meet digitally with local Sunday Dinner in person-to-person meetings in some cities,  we encourage anyone who values what we value here at the Passion Center to consider membership.

We understand that many see themselves as members of various communities, so declaring yourself as a part of TPC doesn't mean you have to stop being a member elsewhere. 
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Name *
Email *
Date of Birth (Ex: 10/6/1980) *
Address *
What is your primary (most reachable) phone number
How would you describe yourself?
Social Media Handles (FB, IG, Twitter, others) if applicable
I would like someone from the Passion Center to reach out to me for:
We are a phygital community with monthly face to face meets up. With that in mind, how would you like to participate as a member of the Passion Center? *
If you'd like to serve, these are our main teams where we can always use support.  Choose those that reasonate with you most. 
As part of our discipleship, we encourage all members of TPC to register to vote in all elections as part of our civic duty and understanding of our Christian role to advance God's concern for justice and His desire for the peace and prosperity of our cities *
How did you learn about the Passion Center?
When and how did you determine you wanted the Passion Center to be your faith family?
Preferred mode of communication
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Other Comments/Questions
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