FATA Scholarship Recommendation Form
This form will be utilized in lieu of a letter or email to recommend an applicant to the FATA Scholarship Award. Your responses will be kept confidential.
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Your Full Name *
Your Phone Number *
Your Email *
Name of Applicant *
Relationship to Applicant
Length of time you have known the applicant:
How strongly do you recommend this applicant overall?
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To what degree does the Applicant demonstrate knowledge of and adherence to the AATA's ethics code?
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To what degree does the Applicant demonstrate multicultural competence?
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To what degree does the Applicant demonstrate clinical knowledge and application of clinical skills in treatment?
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Does the Applicant actively participate in the promotion and further development of the field of art therapy?
What sets apart this Applicant and makes them deserving of the Scholarship?
Signature: by typing your full name here, you are signing this application.
Thank you for your support of the Applicant!
From the FATA Scholarship Committee
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