Quail Hunter Log
This is a tool to allow quail hunters to report hunting data to AGFC to assist with management and regulations decisions. All information regarding hunters and locations are confidential. If you hunt more than one location on the same day, please submit a separate report per location. All participants will receive a free gift from AGFC at the end of the season. Please record only hunts on wild birds, not pen-raised or released birds. Only one hunter per party should submit a report. A party is defined here as a group of hunters who hunt together and whose actions likely influence success of other hunters in the group. Two or more individuals who hunt in the same general area but do not influence each other's chance of seeing game should not consider themselves as a party, but should instead submit separate reports. Please contact Clint Johnson, AGFC Quail Program Coordinator, with any questions. clint.johnson@agfc.ar.gov
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Email *
Email Address
Mailing Address (to receive a free gift) 
City (for mailing address)
State (for mailing address)
Zip (for mailing address)
Date Hunted *
County You Hunted In *
WMA Name (if hunting on private land, just enter "Private") *
Hours Hunted *
Number of Hunters *
Number of Dogs *
Coveys Flushed *
Singles Re-Flushed *
Birds Shot At *
Birds Recovered *
Crippled, Not Recovered *
Hunt Satisfaction *
Not satisfied
Very Satisfied
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