Professional Development Application
BG Business Women is proud to offer member assistance with continuing Professional Development goals. Our Professional Development award is available for one member each quarter to offset the cost of attending conventions, classes and workshops to help further their business

Eligible awards are submitted in the form of reimbursement for professional development already attended and/or completed.

Each quarter, we will award up to $250 to one member who has applied for the award.

Applicants must meet the following criteria:

- A candidate must have be a member in good standing with no lapse in member dues or late payments.
- Must provide a receipt and/or proof of registration for the event in question prior to receiving funds.
- Financial need may be a determining factor.
Application deadlines:

1st Quarter Deadline March 31
2nd Quarter Deadline June 30
3rd Quarter Deadline September 30
4th Quarter Deadline December 31

Congrats to our 2021/2022 Recipients:
Jill Lewis
Stephanie McCay
Susan Polk
Carla Byrd
Jill Steffey

Awarded Recipients must wait 2 years from receipt date before applying again
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Eligibility Requirements (check the boxes below that apply to you and/or this application): *
First/Last Name *
Company/Business Name *
Phone Number *
Name of Event/Course/Class? *
Date(s) of event… *
Location of event… *
State why you are requesting/deserving of this scholarship funding of up to $250? *
Any additional notes that the Board needs to be made aware of when considering your application?
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