2023 Frontiers and Careers Feedback
Thank you for attending the 2023 Frontiers and Careers workshop! Please complete the feedback form below to improve the workshop experience for future F&C workshops. If you have any unresolved questions or concerns, contact the organizers Yannick Wunderlich (wunderlich@hiskp.uni-bonn.de) and Phoebe (psharp15@gwu.edu). 
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Did you enjoy the workshop?
Not at all
A lot
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The industry-career talks were useful for me.
Not at all
A lot
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The balance between academic and industry career talks was good.
No, not at all
Yes, definitely
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I would have preferred more
Was the career panel useful?
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Was the career panel long enough? 
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The time slots for the student/postdoc talks was adequate.
Not at all
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Did you find the length of talks adequate? 
Too short
Too long
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Did you like the venue at the Annabelle Hotel?
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Are you interested in organizing F&C 2024?
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Any other comments or suggestions?
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