Hail Report Form
The National Weather Service and the University of Colorado Boulder have launched a research project to investigate thunderstorms that produce large accumulations of hail. We do not know how much hail each storm produces so we need your reports!

Send Pictures, Videos, or any Additional Information to:  deephailCO@gmail.com. Please include the location and time of your observation in your email.

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Date *
Time *
Location (Lat/Lon, Address, 3SE Boulder, or Cross Roads) *
Hail Size
Use a ruler if possible, if not compare to a coin or object.
Average Hailstone Size *
Maximum Hailstone Size *
Hail Depth
The preferred method is by ruler measurement. The average of multiple measurements provides the best information. . If a ruler or other length measuring device is not available, give your best estimate. The tip of your thumb to the knuckle is about an inch. Try not to measure drifts. High winds can pile up hail up against walls or other obstacles and provide inflated depth measurements. Please report if no hail fell or if some hail did fall but no accumulation occurred.

Example: The average of 10 measurements provided a depth of 3 inches.

Hail Depth (Inches) *
Hail Swath
Describe the spatial extend of the hail swath the best you can.

Example: Hail swath 2 miles long by 500 yards wide.

Additional Remarks
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