WNC FSC Partner and Contributor Events
Hello! We would love to share your event on our website and send reminders out about the event calendar in each of our quarterly newsletters.

Please complete the following form so we have the necessary info to share. Thank you for all the work that you do!

Si usted necesita alguna traducción de este documento, por favor, ponga en contacto con Diana Manee-Buskirk, diana.maneebuskirk@gmail.com o Dana Choquette, dana@wncfoodjustice.com. Gracias!

If you need this document translated, please reach out to Dana Choquette, dana@wncfoodjustice.com Thank you!
E-Mail *
Event Name:
Who! Who is this event for? Who is welcome, who should come?
What! What is the purpose of this event? Networking? Fundraising? Education (please include topic and/or objectives)?
When! Date/s:
When! Time:
Where! Location and/or in-person vs. virtual.
Please share any event link/s (FB invite, link on your website etc.)
Please add any social media handles you'd like for us to tag in our posts:
Any additional information we need to know?
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