SATURDAY AUGUST 10 - Session Type (Please note that these sessions are only limited to 20 spots each - please visit the Wellness Lounge to get added to the waitlist)
SATURDAY AUGUST 10 - Chair Massage Appointment
9:00 AM
9:15 AM
9:45 AM
10:15 AM
10:30 AM
10:45 AM
11:00 AM
1:45 PM
SUNDAY AUGUST 11 - Session Type (Please note that these sessions are only limited to 20 spots each - please visit the Wellness Lounge to get added to the waitlist)
SUNDAY AUGUST 11 - Chair Massage Appointment
This session is full. Please visit the Wellness Lounge to add yourself to the waitlist.
MONDAY AUGUST 12 - Session Type (Please note that these sessions are only limited to 20 spots each - please visit the Wellness Lounge to get added to the waitlist)
MONDAY AUGUST 12 - Chair Massage Appointment
This session is full. Please visit the Wellness Lounge to add yourself to the waitlist.
Please provide your First and Last Name for Sign Up: *