Wastewater Reuse Hearing Public Comment Sign Up
Thank you so much for signing up to give a 3 minute public comment to protect our water! This form is intended to help us organize public comment opposing NMED's proposed Wastewater Reuse rule for the Water Quality Control Commission hearing reconvening Tuesday, August 13th.

Signing up here helps us to coordinate strategically, but you will still need to:

1. Email WQCC Administrator Pamela Jones to sign up officially at pamela.jones@env.nm.gov

2. Compose your 3 minute comment. Resources are linked below.

3. In person: Show up at your selected time at Room 322 at the New Mexico State Capitol, 411 S. Capitol Street, in Santa Fe, New Mexico 

Virtual: Webex at 

Here are talking points and an FAQ with some information about the proposed rule to help inform your comments. 

You can also visit http://defendnmwater.org to learn more.

 Please feel free to email us at info@defendnmwater.org if you have questions or want a sounding board.
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Name *
Email *
City of Residence *
Phone number for text reminders:
Are you planning to give comment on behalf of an organization? *
If Yes, which organization are you speaking for?
Are you planning to give comment in person or online?  *
Which of the following public comment sessions do you plan to sign up for? Each person is allowed to comment once for 3 minutes. *
Which of the following topics are you expecting to include in your comments? *
Which group did you get the link to this form from?
Anything else you want us to know??
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