Applying for a SmashingConf Scholarship Ticket?
We provide scholarship tickets for unrepresented people in tech.

While each successful applicant gets a full access ticket with all side events included. We are unable to provide accommodation and travel at this time. All successful scholarship applicants will be notified a few weeks in advance.

We need a few pieces of information to get the application process started.
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Email *
What's your first name? *
What's your last name? *
We hate to be rude, but are you at least 18 years old? *
Scholarship tickets must go to someone at least 18 years old. We'll ask for ID later in the process.
Which conference are you hoping to attend?  *
What's your focus? (Designer, Developer, Something else?) *
Where are you based? *
Which of the following Conference aspects most interests you?
If we are able to get a sponsor to cover workshop tickets, would you be interested, and on which subject — no promises! *
Why did you decide to apply? *
What makes you a good candidate for the Scholarship Tickets? *
What do you hope to get out of this experience? *
Why are you interested in SmashingConf? *
Is there anything else you think we should know?
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