MSJE School Site Council Nomination Form
It's that time of the year to nominate (or self-nominate) parent/community committee members for our 2023-2024 School Site Council.  

The commitment:
Elected members would serve a 2-year term and attend SSC meetings 5 times per year (2nd Wednesdays of September, October, December, March, and May, 3:00 to 4:00 PM). Parent/community members would work with school staff to edit and approve the Comprehensive School Safety Plan (CSSP) and the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for the continued growth of student success in order to close the achievement gap and enhance and enrich the school experience for all students.

There are currently 4 open seats which need to be filled by. Those who are interested or those who would like to nominate someone else shall submit this form on or before May 26, 2023. Ballots will then be distributed to the MSJE parent community.

Please address any questions to the principal, Katy Carter (

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Name of parent being nominated (or self-nominated) *
Name of person making nomination (if not self-nominated)
Name(s) and grade(s) of nominee's MSJE children *
Nominee's email address *
Nominee's contact phone number
Personal Statement: Please provide a brief statement describing why the nominee (or self-nominee) would be a good candidate for MSJE's School Site Council.
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