Stepping Stones KC Employee Application
Thank you for your interest in Stepping Stones KC. We are currently looking for a new Board-Certified Music Therapist to join our team.

It is important to fill-out each question below to the best of your ability. If you have completed an application in the past, please update or provide a NEW application for 2021.

IN ADDITION TO COMPLETING THE FORM BELOW, please email a current resume and two example session plans you have used with children to Session plans may be for an individual or a group, younger or older, but please try to show diversity, as well as, your strengths. Remember to remove client names and private information that would breach confidentiality. You may be asked to submit a letter of recommendation during the follow-up stage. Thanks!

Applications that do not submit all of the necessary documents will not be considered.

The nature of this position will typically involve traveling, collaboration, documentation, and unique confidentiality needs. The person chosen for this position must exemplify an ability to communicate well with others, stay organized, listen to feedback, and maintain confidentiality and professional practice. During this unique time, candidates must show an ability to be flexible, communicate, and adapt.
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Full Name *
Email *
City of Residence *
Phone number *
Are you currently a Board-Certified Music Therapist? *
If applicable, Where are you currently working? If not currently working, where was your last position (MT or non-MT)? *
Why are you applying for this position? *
What is your preferred work population and why? *
Tell me about your experience working with children. Please include any relevant experience, including experience working with challenging behaviors. What is your perspective/philosophy on working with children with challenging behavioral needs? *
What is your preferred instrument and why? *
What are your wage expectations? *
Do you have a valid driver's license? *
Are you willing to travel to see clients? *
What is your current availability? How many hours would you like to work weekly? *
Are you available to work in the evening? *
Are you available to work weekends? *
What are your strengths as a Music Therapist? *
What are your weaknesses as a Music Therapist? *
Tell me about your confidence providing individual vs. group services. Do you have a preference? *
What are your long-term professional goals? *
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