2022 Holiday Fair Donation Sign-up
Please use this form to sign up to donate a craft, a service, a Quaker Treasure, a Silent Auction item, used books, or a dessert. You can also sign up to help solicit business for donation that we can sell at the Holiday Fair.

Thank you so much!
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Name *
Phone *
Email *
Craft(s) to be donated
Service(s) to be donated (snow shoveling, bread making, etc.)
Quaker Treasure item(s) to be donated
Silent Auction item(s) to be donated
I would like to donate used books  
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I will contact the following business(es) to ask them for donations of goods and services:
I will make the following dessert(s) for the event: (Please package in servings of 2, 4, or 6)
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