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Only PDF allowed! Below items - of all persons - need to be ready for upload after receiving email follow-up:EMPLOYEES
1) fully signed employment contract
2) last 3 salary slips (as much as available)
3) bank slips last 3 salary payments showing iban + name (as much as available)
4) valid paspoort (quality copy with corners visible)
5) residence permit if not European
6) name and email address HR person to verify employment
1) excerpt from the Chamber of Commerce, not older than 3 months
2) approved annual accountants reports for the past 2 years
3) income tax return for the past 2 years
4) valid paspoort (quality copy with corners visible)
5) residence permit if not European
6) name and email address HR person to verify employment (if applicable)
7) passport authorized person in case of company lease