Abbott Educational Scholarship - Joint Australasian HIV&AUDS + Sexual Health Conferences
29 August - 1 September 2022  
Sunshine Coast Convention Centre, QLD

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About the Scholarship
Abbott is offering a scholarship to attend the Joint Australian HIV&AIIDS + Sexual Health Conferences 2022. This scholarship is open to healthcare workers and professionals working in the area of HIV and/or sexual health in the Pacific, including PNG and Timor-Leste. The Australasian Society for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and Sexual Health Medicine (ASHM) will be managing the process on behalf of Abbott.
Please complete the form below, ensuring you read and accept the terms and conditions by signing the form.
Name *
Organisation *
Position/Title *
Country *
Gender: *
Highest education level *
Telephone or WhatsApp number *
What is your experience in HIV/AIDS? *
What do you hope to get out of attending the conference? *
How will you transfer your knowledge to others in your work place? *
Applications close at the end of business, 1700 AEST on Friday 3rd June 2022.  

The successful applicant will be announced late June.  
Terms and Conditions
The scholarship will cover return economy airfares from your closest airport in your current country of residence, Australian airport transfers, accommodation for up to 5 nights including layovers, a per diem, visa fees reimbursement and conference registration.  

To apply for the scholarship you must currently be actively working in the HIV and/or sexual health, in a Pacific Island country, including Papua New Guinea and Timor-Leste. You must also hold a passport with at least 6 months validity for travel.  

Submission of a conference abstract is not a pre-requisite for the scholarship.

 The successful applicant will be required to submit a report to ASHM by 30th September 2022, detailing the meetings, conference sessions and events which were attended, and major learning outcomes.  Reimbursement for the Australian visa fee will only be made once a sufficient report is submitted to ASHM. Failure to submit a report in the specified timeframe without prior notification will result in forfeiting reimbursement for the Australian Visa which is currently AUD $150.  

 This report or extracts from the report may be used in the Abbott PI Newsletter or other promotional communications. In addition, the successful applicant must consent to having their photograph taken whilst attending the conference and to the use of these photos in Abbott promotional material.

 I hereby accept the terms and conditions of the Abbott Educational Scholarship, and acknowledge that I have completed the above application:
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