Thermal Physics: Basic Concepts
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In the kinetic model of an ideal gas, it is assumed that
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What are the conditions of temperature and pressure at which the behaviour of a real gas approximates to the behaviour of an ideal gas? *
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A liquid-in-glass thermometer is in thermal equilibrium with some hot water. The thermometer is left in the water. The water cools to the temperature of the surroundings. Which of the following is unlikely to be true for the thermometer? *
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The specific latent heat of a substance is defined as the energy required at constant temperature to
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The total potential energy and random kinetic energy of the molecules of an object is equal to the *
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An ideal gas has an absolute temperature T. The average random kinetic energy of the molecules of the gas is *
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A sealed container contains water at 5 °C and ice at 0 °C. This system is thermally isolated from its surroundings. What happens to the total internal energy of the system? *
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Molar mass is defined as *
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