Military Family Advisory Council -Parent Survey
Consent to participate:

You have been asked to participate in survey. If you have any questions, please ask. The contact information for the Military Support team member is listed below.  
Why you are being asked to participate in this survey?  You are being asked to participate in this study because your input is vital to potentially drive changes within the district as it pertains to military-connected students in Cumberland County.
 What is the purpose of this survey?  The purpose of this study was to provide recommendations to the district leadership at Cumberland County Schools with possible solutions to the problems that arise as they pertain to military-connected students. This is a survey study and specific to Cumberland County Schools. Your responses will provide vital data to improve military-connected student experience within Cumberland County Schools.
What will you be asked to do?  All participants will complete a brief survey (10-15 minutes) to share your perceptions for military-connected students in Cumberland County Schools. There will be a brief demographic section which is followed by 5 sections with 5 questions within each section. Both the demographic and survey questions responses will be recorded and analyzed. Names and email addresses will not be recorded.  

                                                              Important things to know:                                  
Participation- This survey is voluntary. You can withdrawal your participation at any time without penalty.    
Benefits- Your participation is vital to improving the transitional practices for military-connected students in Cumberland County Schools.

Confidentiality- The information that you give in the study will be handled confidentially. Your data will be anonymous which means that your name will not be collected or linked to the data. Because of the nature of the data, it may be possible to deduce your identity; however, there will be no attempt to do so, and your data will be reported in a way that will not identify you.  Your survey answers will be saved to a google form where data is stored in electronic format.
Contact: If you have questions at any time, you may contact me by e-mail at or by phone at 910-678-2454.
Thank you for your time and assistance with this project.                                                                          
Stefanie Shook, Ed.D
Student Support Specialist
Federal Program

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I have read the above information. I agree to participating in this survey, and that I am at least 18 years of age or older. *
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