Plansom Beta Testing

Plansom is an AI - Powered App that helps you succeed. 

Plansom is the AI App that helps you Succeed and Double your Productivity. Our platform is designed to elevate productivity by streamlining business management and delegation while ensuring that the most critical tasks are prioritized efficiently. Checkout our : Website
Thank you for your interest in becoming a beta tester for Plansom. Your feedback is valuable in helping us improve our product. Please fill out the following information:
Email *
Name *
Phone Number (with country code) *
Job title/Role *
Company/Organization (if applicable) 

Do you have any technical expertise or resources that you believe could be helpful during the testing process? (e.g., programming skills, familiarity with APIs, etc.)


What previous experience do you have with similar AI tools or SaaS products?


Are you comfortable providing detailed feedback and bug reports?


Do you consent to being contacted by our team regarding beta testing updates and feedback requests?

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