Blog Editor Application
Fulbridge is seeking and experienced editors to create, manage, and edit the Fulbridge blog.

About the Fulbridge Blog:
The mission of the Fulbridge blog is to educate readers about the countries in which Fulbright grantees are placed. Content should not solely reflect on grantee experiences, but also provide insight into, and increased understanding of, the countries in which these experiences occur.

Position duties include:
- Work with the Fulbridge team and the Editor in Chief to define what kind of content the Fulbridge should feature, both on a short-term and long-term scale.
- Elicit submissions from Fulbrighters around the world; think creatively about themes or other initiatives to gather quality content from grantees.
- Provide in-depth editing and comments on authors' submissions where necessary.

Ideal candidates will be:
- Experienced writers with past editing or content-creation experience.
- Personable individuals who can comment incisively but considerately on authors' work
- Able to think creatively about how to reach out to ETAs worldwide and elicit strong content
- Collaborative team members who enjoy working with others
- Self-directed and self-motivated. Able to work with minimal supervision and assignment; good at setting own goals and schedule.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Fulbright grant type and year (example: ETA, Taiwan, 2016-17) *
Placement Country, City *
South Korea, Seoul
E-mail *
Why are you interested in this position?
Please list any blogging and editing positions you have held, and/or other relevant experience:
How would you elicit submissions from Fulbright grantees, and how will you manage submissions once they arrive?
How will you gather content? How will you manage the submissions process, and what kind of submissions process would you propose? What potential pitfalls do you predict?
What specific features or post ideas would you propose for the Fulbridge blog?
If you were a reader, what kind of content would you like to see from Fulbridge? Include suggestions for specific posts, types of content, themes ETAs could write about, etc.
Please describe your approach in editing authors' work.
Tell us anything about the process: how do you comment on a submission that you think needs substantial work?
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