SLCS Volunteer Form - Please allow 72 hours to process your request.                                                             Please submit only one volunteer form per school year.
The event date must be given for this form to be processed. South Lyon Community Schools reserves the right to "approve" or "deny" any volunteer service upon review of the background check returned. The determination will be based upon individual fitness to have responsibility for the safety and well being of children. Providing false information is grounds for immediate volunteer denial.

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Event Date *
Event Type *
First Name *
Middle Name *
Last Name *
Maiden/Other Last Name
Schools volunteering in *
Gender *
Date of Birth (ex: 1/1/1986) *
Eye Color *
Height *
Race *
Pursuant to 1993 Public Act 68, you must check either YES or NO: Have you ever pled guilty or been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor in a state or federal court?
Clear selection
If yes, list date(s)
If yes, list the city and state
If yes, what felony or misdemeanor occurred?
I will report any threatening behaviors heard or observed to school/district administration.
Phone number *
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