Dupang Pangari (Coorong Spirit) Festival 2024 - Market Place - Expression of Interest 
We are currently seeking expressions of interest from First Nations Artists, community organisations and food vendors to hold a stall in the market place for Dupang Pangari (Coorong Spirit) Festival of sharing culture and healing the spirit

Hosted by world renowned performer and cultural ambassador Ngarrindjeri / Kaurna Elder, Major "Moogy" Sumner, and the Tal-Kin-Jeri Dance group -- Dupang Pangari is a 3 day camping festival that will take place from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th on Ngarrindjeri Lands -  Long Point on the stunning waterfront of the Coorong. 

The festival will start on Friday with a welcome smoking ceremony and a night of music and story telling. Saturday will have interactive workshops across the day and will accumulate in a corroboree where everyone will be invited to dance together. Sunday will be about being on Country with the festival concluding around 2pm after a closing ceremony. 

Dupang will include interactive cultural workshops (dancing, weaving, painting, wood carving, boomerang and spear throwing);  storytelling and truth telling in the yarnin circles with Elders, and a community and First Nations artists market place. 

If you would like a stall in the market place - please fill in the below expressions of interest form. 

** First Nations stalls are free and will be given priority **
** Art for sale must be handmade or designed by first nations artists **
** We want to minimise our environmental footprint**
- Food vendor stalls need biodegradable packaging and will need to remove their own rubbish from the site at the end of the festival - the Festival has no rubbish removal**

If you have any questions, please email us via - yarnin.pangari@gmail.com

**  Expressions of interests will be sort until Feb 1, 2024 ** -- Successful stall applicants will be notified shortly thereafter. 

*** Dupang has been made possible thanks to small artist grant from the Adelaide Fringe *** 

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Email *
Contact person name *
Phone number: *
Name of Stall/ Community Group / Organisation  *
Are you a First Nations Artist, business or community organisation?  *
If you are not a First Nations person or organisation - would you be willing to pay a $100 stall fee? (note; this excludes food stalls)?

(**First Nations artists and organisations will be given  priority, however we welcome environmental campaign organisation and stall holders who have sustainable products to apply**)
Please describe your stall - Items for sale (eg: art, food etc) or purpose of your organisation / community group.  *
Do you have your own marquee, stall equipment and table?
Power is limited on site and will be via generators

- If you are a food truck, you will need to have your own generator and extension cord.

- Food vendors will need to use biodegradable packaging, have bins available at their site and remove rubbish at the end of the event (this is due to the festival site having no rubbish removal available -- and it will help us immensely if you are able to help with rubbish removal). 
Do you have any questions about the festival?
Thank you for taking the time to fill in this volunteer expression of interest form to participate in the community and artist market place.

Please note that this does not lock you in yet to having a stall at the festival - we will be in touch to confirm your involvement in early February. -- but if you have further questions feel free to reach out to TJ via 0422 078 021

Please note ----- stall holders will need to bring all their own equipment -- you will also need to have your own camping equipment (tent / swag / camp chair /  water bottle / plate / bowl / cup / snacks / additional food / drinks esky etc---- and anything you need to make yourself comfortable across the weekend - camp cooking equipment allowed.)

Dupang is completely DIY with no power (except for festival generators) - you may want to bring a battery pack to charge your phone. 

Water is life and will be limited on site - it is strongly encourage you bring at a 10L box of drinking water for yourself --- there will be no showers (just the waters of the Coorong) so consider bringing a solar shower to rinse off.  

You must take all rubbish you generate home with you. 

Please note this is an dry festival - no alcohol - we honour Uncle Moogy's work with the Aboriginal Sobriety Group. 
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