Event information

Thank you for requesting my services for your upcoming event! I appreciate your support and I look forward to adding my unique poetry experience that is guaranteed to add joy to your space. 

If you wouldn't mind answering a few questions that would help me prepare for your occasion. 

Thank you again for booking my services. I look forward to your event.




Once complete, please text me at 919-995-7478 to confirm your booking!

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What is your name? *
What is your email address? *
How did you hear about my art? *
What services would you like? *
If you are requesting custom poems on demand, would you like me to create a customized card to type poems on for your special event?  I can incorporate a photo, a quote, detailed information, etc. *
What is the date of your event? *
What is the time of your event? *
What type of event are you hosting? (festival, concert, wedding, birthday, etc) *
What is the address of the event? *
Estimated number of attendees? *
Is there a requested attire of choice you would like me to wear? If so, please describe. *
Would you like me to write a lengthy poem for your event and perform it for the guest? *
What is your budget for booking my services? I would like to be sure to accommodate customer cost as much as possible.   *
When will the invoice be honored? *
How will the invoice be honored? *
Will you need a photo for promotional use? *
May I have a guest attend with me? *
Can I sell items? Books, t-shirts, stickers, etc. *
Which table would best fit your event? *
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