Family Sponsor Form-FreeMeals
"Serving others is the ultimate form of love"
"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give." feeds needy families a weekly nutritious meal from local restaurants, purchased through your tax-deductible donations. This form is for you to signup as a Sponsor of a family which means you are funding their weekly meals for at least 3 months ($325 minimum donation).

We have a designated executive who confirms the need of your sponsored family monthly. If your sponsored family no longer needs help we find another needy family to receive your donated meals! Hence, we ensure your sponsorship is always going to the families most in need.

Please give us a call at 925-553-4421 so we can review and welcome you to the program!


1. You decide who to sponsor and for how long

2. You pay our corporate VENMO @Free-Meal:
$325 for 3 months or
$650 for 6 months or
$1300 for 12 months

To donate via CREDIT CARD please add 3% credit card processing fees to your donation and pay at:

3. Your sponsored family can select a weekly free meal from one of the approved restaurants on our list
4. Either you can deliver or one of our volunteer drivers can deliver the meal each week
5. We handle all operations from working with the family to select a meal to placing the order and getting it delivered. We even follow up to ensure they had a good experience.

What you receive:

1. Tax deduction - please use EIN 263642056
2. Listing on our Sponsor wall of fame (you can choose to opt-out)
3. If you Sponsor more than $5,000 we feature you exclusively (please call to learn more)
4. Featured post on social media (you can choose to opt-out)
5. Corporations benefit tremendously through tax deductions, employee engagement and brand equity.
6. Great Karma, but most importantly the scientifically proven feeling of joy and self-worth, which is priceless!

With Love,
FreeMeals Family
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Your first name and last name *
Untitled Title
Phone number *
Please confirm you are willing to be a Sponsor for a family by paying $25 per week, for at least 3 months, all of which goes to buying a meal from a local restaurant for them. *
Would you like us to assign you a family or would you like to select one? Please choose one option from the list below. *
If you already know the name of the family or if you already know of a family that is in need and who you would like to sponsor, please provide details below! By sponsoring through you get a tax deduction, help local restaurants and 100% of your donation goes to feeding the family.  In addition, we manage their entire process, making it easier for you to be a Sponsor.
How long would you like to be a Sponsor? *
Please share why you are excited to be a sponsor. *
How did you hear about us? Who referred you - please share their name. *
Please join us on social media and add a Facebook Frame to your profile to display pride in joining our FreeMeals family! @GetFreeMeal on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. @FreeMeals on Linkedin and Facebook group. If you would like us to tag you, please provide your social media handle below! *
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