Miscellaneous Permission Request
If you, your church, or your company wants to use or republish LifeWay's copyrighted material (under any of LifeWay's imprints or divisions, such as LifeWay Press, Broadman & Holman Publishers, B&H, Broadman Press, Serendipity House, Holman Bible Publishers, etc.), this page will allow you to make the request and have it sent by email directly to the appropriate person.

Please note that granting permission, or a license, is at the sole discretion of LifeWay. You must wait to receive written permission or a license from LifeWay prior to using or publishing the material. LifeWay will often grant permission, or a license, but may be unable to grant the request because of contractual restrictions or business considerations.
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Email Address: *
Organization Name: *
Physical Address of Organization *
Contact Person *
(First and Last Name)
Contact Email Address: *
Please describe the product or portion of product you wish to use/publish. Please fully identify the material, as appropriate, such as title, page number, date of issue, volume number, author or composer, etc. Please explain if the request is for text only or if artwork or photographs are involved. *
How is the material going to be used? Please fully explain whether the copyrighted material will be used in conjunction with other material or will be used/distributed alone. *
Will the material be given away or sold? *
How many copies to you plan to print/distribute? *
What is your geographic area of distribution? *
(United States, China, etc.)
Are you also requesting permission to translate the material into another language? If so, please indicate the language and the geographic area in which the material might be used/distributed. *
If this is a permission to translate material, please indicate how, if any, the material will be adapted to fit the culture.
Publishing Location: *
Check all that apply.
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