Thank you for signing up to canvass with Ben!
Where: Neighborhood in Fort Lauderdale's District 4, meet-up location will be provided about 24 hours before the canvass.


Invite friends, family, and neighbors to join us as we go door to door earning support! We are using MiniVAN APP while canvassing which has scripts, lists, locations, and voter record management built in.  You can use an existing or new ACTIONID. 

Day of Reminders: Bring a fully charged cell phone and water.  Don't forget to wear your comfortable shoes and sun protection.  If you need to reach Ben Sorensen his cell is 954-802-3311.
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Volunteer First & Last Name
Volunteer Cell Phone Number
I am excited to canvass on the following date(s): *
Volunteer T-Shirt Size
Are you requesting "student service hours"?
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