UKSCN London workshop
Are you a young person in London wanting to get involved in climate justice campaigning? Do you want to meet like minded people? Are you interested in learning new skills?
Join us on the 9th and 10th April 10.30-6pm.
Saturday 9th we will have a range of workshops and trainings (e.g. Know Your Rights, Facilitation, Minute Taking, Climate Justice, Police Abolition).
Saturday afternoon 4-6pm there will be a fun social.
Sunday we will be looking to the year ahead and creating our 2022 strategy.
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What is your name? *
Email address *
Can you confirm that you are under 22? *
Will you be attending in person or virtually? *
Which days will you be attending (it is likely that Saturday will be for workshops, and Sunday will be working on UKSCN London's 2022 strategy) *
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