OCTE Classroom Grants
Grant submissions accepted June 1 to September 30

OCTE offers grants grants of $150 - $300 to develop curriculum, purchase materials, or enhance instruction in language arts/literacy, with a focus on social justice. Only online submissions are accepted.      


·       Must be an OCTE member. Join here OCTE.org

·       Submit receipts.

·       Present completed grant project at a Spring or Fall OCTE conference OR write an article for Chalkboard.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
First and Last Name *
Date *
Position *
School *
Address *
Address Line 2 *
City and State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number *
Agreement of Terms *
Description of project *
Clear goals *
How will you measure success/impact? *
Budget *
How are you serving diverse learners? *
Use of proven or promising practices *
Demonstrate financial need *
How does your project address issues of social justice? *
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