Evaluation of Research Experience
This evaluation is completed by all students who work with Dr. Viceisza on one or more research projects.  It is taken anonymously, so please be as candid as possible.  
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On a scale from 1 to 5 with 1 being very bad and 5 being very good, how would you rate the research experience? *
very bad
very good
Do you feel that the coursework at Spelman better prepared you for the research experience?  If yes, how?  If no, why not? *
Do you feel that the research experience better prepared you for your coursework at Spelman?  If yes, how?  If no, why not? *
List three examples of how the research experience relates/related to your coursework at Spelman.  If you cannot think of any example, please indicate this. *
What did you find particularly useful about the research experience?  If nothing, please indicate this. *
What did you find particularly useless about the research experience?  If nothing, please indicate this. *
What do you wish you had been exposed to more during the research experience?  If nothing, please indicate this. *
If you had to travel for the research experience, e.g. to collect field data and/or attend/present at a research conference, are there any positives and/or negatives you would like to share?  If this does not apply to you, please say "Not Applicable". *
If you are still a Spelman student, what are your plans right after? *
If you have already completed Spelman, which of these best summarizes your current position? *
If you have already completed Spelman, did the research experience better prepare you for your current position?  If yes, how?  If no, why not? *
Is there anything else, positive or negative, that you would like to share about the research experience?   *
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