Killington Resort / NASU: January 18, 2021
In order to comply with Vermont state reopening guidance for ski resorts, we require individual contact information for each guest visiting the resort for contact tracing purposes. Further, we are required to have each guest attest to following Vermont cross-state travel and quarantine guidelines. This form must be completed before your booking can be completed with Killington Resort.
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Killington Resort
Name of Group (College, Ski Club, etc.) *
Lodging Property (i.e. Killington Mountain Lodge, AirBnB, etc.) *
First Name *
Last Name *
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) *
Email (For Child, Use Guardian Email) *
Address, City, State, Zip *
Phone number (area code + 7 Digits) *
I certify that I have reviewed the State of Vermont out-of-state traveler guidelines and will be in compliance with the state’s travel and quarantine policies when visiting the resort. I understand that failure to comply with the state’s travel and quarantine policy may result in the loss of skiing and riding privileges. I further certify that I understand all travelers should stay home if ill (with any symptoms); maintain physical distance of at least 6’ from anyone outside their household; wear a cloth mask when in public spaces; and wash or sanitize hands often.  *
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