Fractional rate survey

This survey is designed to capture information about your business, and the rate that you charge to deliver your services. The purpose of the results is to help those delivering their services to better understand where their rate sits in market, and to enable the profession overall to position themselves more strategically on rates. 

Once you provide your submission it will be verified, upon which you will be invited to access the broader dataset of market rates for Freelance / Fractional professionals.

Please view the privacy policy here

This survey collects the following data: full name, business email, country, US state (if relevant), business name, business website (optional), primary discipline, level of service, local rate, local currency.

The report is anonymised. Your name, email, business name, and business website are not displayed in the report. They are used to validate that a participant is a genuine consultant.

If you have any questions, please contact me at 
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