Class-8,Mineral and Power Resources
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Q1) What would you call a naturally occurring substance that has a definite chemical composition *
1 point
Q2) Listed below are a few important facts about Minerals. Which one among the following is not TRUE *
1 point
Q3) Minerals can be identified on the basis of their physical properties. Which one among the following is not a physical property with respect to the minerals? *
1 point
Q4) Which one of the following best defines a rock which contains enough mineral to make it economically viable for mining *
1 point
Q5) Complete the following in the same order of the sequence as it comesIn the ________ grade ores, the mineral content is high and impurities are less. In the __________ grade ores mineral content is low and impurities are more. *
1 point
Q6) Complete the following on the basis of Composition, Minerals can be classified as : *
1 point
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Q7) Analyse the following and complete the blank *
1 point
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Q8) Which one of the following contain metal in raw form *
1 point
Q9) Which one of the following best describe a Metal? *
1 point
Q10) Some examples of minerals are given below, pick out the one that is not a metallic mineral *
1 point
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