2024 Fernland Studios Artist Residency
Thank you for applying to join Fernland Studios remote artist residency

At this time, we encourage you to only apply for one of our summer programs. Please contact howdy@fernlandstudios.org if you have any concerns, comments, or questions.
Email *
Preferred Name *
First and last name
Email *
Phone number *
Current address *
How did you find Fernland Studios? 
What medium(s) do you use? *
Why are you interested in our programming? Your response is helpful for us to know to support future outreach programming. Your response will not impact your application.
What is your racial, ethnic, and/or Indigenous background? *
Include an artist statement or bio (250 words max) *
Letter of inquiry, including how your work aligns with Fernland Studios and if there is a project your prioritizing during the residency. You are not required to have a project in mind or create a project during our time. (500 words max) *
Links to social media and/or website.  *
Share a link to a folder or word document containing 
1. up to four work samples related to your proposed project or previous work
2. portfolios/website, and CV or resume. 

Please make sure we have the right access requirements to see your materials.
Are you able to attend the two hour speaker sessions once a week on Fridays from June 20 to August 1. *
Would you like us to create additional session for artists to work and write together virtually on Zoom? If you are interested, we will send a scheduling poll once applicants are notified of their acceptance.  *

Participants must commit to joining all speaker sessions. If you’re unable to join a session, you need to provide 24-hour notice if possible. Participants agree that work shared in workshops is confidential and will not be shared or discussed outside the residency without their permission. Participants agree not to share any portions of the recording sessions without permission.

Participants must inform Fernland Studios how the funds were used within a year of funding. This information will provide Fernland Studios with a better understanding of supporting other participants interested in our work. We encourage participants to share their work with Fernland once programming concludes so we can continue to learn how to support your work and work in conversation with you.

Fernland Studios reserves the right to remove anyone from the residency sequence whose actions are detrimental to staff and participants. We encourage you to inform Fernland’s staff if you witness harm being done to a fellow participant or or if you are experiencing harm.

All participants must agree to these expectations in the application process. Do you agree?

Is there anything else you would like to share with us at this time?  *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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