FiR Dinner Interest Survey 
Hello! I'd love to invite you into my home (LaFortune, Suite 311) for a special Faculty in Residence (FiR) dinner. Please share a little information about yourself, so I can prepare the event—where you'd enjoy a meal with me, my husband, our dog (Ruby), and eight fellow TU students. I'll then email you to confirm the date of your dinner invite. 

Hope to see you soon! -- Prof. Emily Contois 
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Your Name (first and last)
Your TU Student ID Number: 
Your preferred email address:
Your preferred phone number: (this will be used only for dinner reminders!) 
Please select the date(s) you'd be available for dinner. All dinners are 6:45-8:15 pm in LaFortune Suite 311. 
TU Catering will serve us a lovely 3-course dinner. Your meal can be deducted as a meal swipe from your meal plan, or I can cover the cost for you. Which option do you prefer? 
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If you have dietary needs (such as allergies, avoiding certain meats, etc.), please feel free to explain them here, and I'll share this information with TU Catering.
I'll email you to confirm the date of your dinner invite and appreciate your firm RSVSP so we can plan a great evening. 

If there's anything else you'd like me to know about you before we meet for dinner, please feel free to share it here. Otherwise, Chris, Ruby, and I look forward to seeing you soon!
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