CHURCHILL Recovery Soda
Customer Satisfaction Form - We believe constructive feedback is the only way to reach full potential.
Therefore, we would like to thank you in advance for taking the time and thought to help CHURCHILL grow!
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Is this the first time you have consumed Churchill Recovery Soda? *
Please rate the taste of CHURCHILL Recovery Soda *
Very good
Very poor
How would you describe the taste best? Please choose TWO of the following options: *
Rate the visual appearance of the liquid *
How do you feel about the quantity of 550ml? Feel free to add a justification for your decision. *
How would you rate the overall design of CHURCHILL Recovery Soda ? *
How would you rate the quality of the packaging? Fell free to justify your rating. *
Very high quality
Very poor quality
How compatible is the promised experience CHURCHILL Recovery Soda displays with your personal experience *
Most definitely!
Not at all!
Into what beverage group does CHURCHILL Recovery Soda fit best in your opinion? Feel free to add an additional group. *
Looking at the FRONT panel of CHURCHILL Recovery Sodas' bottle label, what comes to your mind? Please choose as many options as you would like and feel free to add additional comments. *
Looking at the BACK panel of CHURCHILL Recovery Sodas' bottle label, what comes to your mind? Please choose as many options as you would like and feel free to add additional comments. *
WHEN would you prefer to consume CHURCHILL Recovery Soda? Please choose as many options as you would like. *
WHERE would you prefer to consume CHURCHILL Recovery Soda? Please choose as many options as you would like. *
WHY would you consume CHURCHILL Recovery Soda? Please choose as many options as you would like. *
What is your age?
What is your gender? *
This is an additional option for you to comment on anything regarding CHURCHILL Recovery Soda. Thank you for your time and constructive feedback!
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