WLC LLC interest form: 2023-24
Please use this form to ask questions about or express interest in living and learning in community with other students who are studying Chinese, French, German, Spanish, and Cultural Entrepreneurship. Learn more about the Department of World Languages and Cultures Living and Learning Community (WLC LLC) here: https://z.umn.edu/WLCLLC.
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Email *
What is your name? *
When will you be starting UMD? (eg. Fall 2024) *
Which living and learning pod in the WLC LLC might you be interested in joining? *
What questions do you have?  What is the best way to contact you with an answer? *
Previous language experience is not required to live in the WLC LLC, but if you do have experience with one of the languages we offer, we'd love to know more about your experience.  Please describe your experience below. *
Briefly tell us why you might want to live in the WLC LLC.
Any other comments or questions, please leave them below or email Prof. Kristen Hylenski at khylenski@d.umn.edu or Prof. Jennifer Brady at jnbrady@d.umn.edu. Thank you for your interest in WLC LLC!
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