Dinner with Alumni Consent Form
By signing this form, I acknowledge that I am voluntarily choosing to participate in American University’s “Dinner with Alumni” Event (“Event”). I understand that American University (“University”) is only acting as a facilitator, to identify alumni who have interest in sharing networking opportunities and/or offering general advice based on his/her past experiences, and to identify students interested in learning from these experiences, and to facilitate introductions between the interested parties. I understand that the University does not investigate, screen, or verify the background of the Event participants, the safety of the Event location, or any other aspect of the Event. I understand and agree that it is my sole responsibility to investigate the Event, and assume all risks related thereto.
I agree that participating in any activity is an acceptance of some risk of injury and I fully accept those risks. These risks may include, but are not limited to, such things as traffic accidents and any resulting personal injury (including death) or property damage suffered by myself or a third party, other incidents related to transportation, adverse weather conditions, criminal activity, illness, loss, damage or theft of personal property, and other mental, physical or emotional injury, including the risk of catastrophic injury or death. I also understand that there may be other risks not known or reasonably foreseeable. I agree that my safety is primarily dependent upon me taking proper care of myself.
I authorize the University to share my directory information with the Event participants prior to the Event. This information may include my name, email address, phone, class standing, and/or other type of directory information as defined by law. I also give the University permission to publish or reproduce any written comments that I have made about the Event, including emails, feedback, or comments from evaluation forms that may highlight positive aspects of the Event.
I give the University permission to take photographs and make other recordings of me before, after, or during the Event. I consent to the use of my name and these photographs and recordings, without compensation, in any promotional materials and publications related to the educational activities of American University.
I also acknowledge reading and understanding the contents of the information packet about the Event that I received. I agree to follow all University policies and regulations at the Event. I will conduct myself in a safe and prudent manner while participating in this Event. In addition, I agree to not order or consume alcoholic beverages before or during the Event, even if I am 21-years of age.
In consideration of American University allowing me to participate in the Event, for myself and my legal guardian or other representatives, I agree indemnify and hold harmless American University, its trustees, officers, employees, faculty, and agents from and against any blame and liability for any inconvenience, injury, death, loss to person or property, or any other damage of any kind whatsoever, which may result from or be connected in any way to my participation in the Event or in transit to or from the Event.
I have had the opportunity to ask questions and receive explanation for any statements and policies that I do not understand.
I have read and fully understand the above provisions and agree to be bound by them, as indicated by my signature below.